Top Tracks of The Year

Contrary to the intro of the albums of the year post, Mutant Standard will live on, and here are 10 brillaint songs from 2017.

10.DJ Hell // I Want You

It ain't just the Tom Of Finland drawings in the video, this song is the sexiest of 2017.

9.Rina Sawayama // Afterlife
Rina Sawayama and Clarence Clarity eccentrically build a futuristic reimaging of 90s R&B.

8.Yaeji // Raingurl
Cool and monotone deliveries backed by quirky deep house “Make it rain gurl ,make it Rain.”

7.Errorsmith // Lightspeed
The opener to Errorsmith’s full lenght Pan debut is wonderfully absurd...

6.Sorry // Wished
Post-grunge and DIY electronics tie together Sorry’s despondent latest single.
5.Rhythm Method// Something for The Weekend
Rhythm Method add much-needed vibrancy and cheek to South London’s thriving indie scene, with some haircutting centered throwback pop.And no it's not a Super furry animals cover!

4.SOPHIE // It's Okay to Cry
SOPHIE’s reveals her true self at last, in this touching ballad, straight from the blueprints crafted by Cher’s Believe.

3.Confidence Man // Better Sit down Boy
Australian duo take camp dance pop to next level with enough energy to transcend companies like British Gas, Npower and EON.

2.MHYSA // Strobe

“You know that feeling when you go to the club and start shaking your ass, and everyone starts taking pics?” Although it won’t completely emulate this strobing sensation, If listen to this track you will get half an insight into MHYSA's world of seduction and infatuation.

1.Quay Dash// Queen Of This Shit
Queen of this shit is shows Quay Dash at the peak of her powers, leather tinted with ice cold bars. SOPHIE produces, on what is the undoubtedly Mutant Standard’s song of the year.


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